Hidden Doubled Image in packet pcap icmp

Get an chall file :

get mass of icmp packet. extract the all data of the icmp packet using this command :

tshark -r packet.pcap -Y "icmp" -Tfields -e data > data_pcap_hex_sus.sus

Because the data seems look like hex. i asssume it is hex. so the file will be data_pcap_hex_sus

When i decode the hex in cyberchef. it looks like :
Pasted image 20240228205403.png

It seems the header call 2 times.

we filter the odd and the even of the packet because it scrambled. ( requests in ) ( reply in )
Pasted image 20240228210540.png


from scapy.all import *

from binascii import *

scapy_cap = rdpcap('./packet.pcap')

with open('outputpcap', 'wb') as f:

for i,packet in enumerate(scapy_cap):

if "ICMP" in packet:

	if i%2==1:

i assume this multiple file of png.


but the printing print 2 times of the signatures of png. Based on : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_file_signatures

We know signatures png is : 89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A

so we will extract the correct hex that will be :


Before it was :


so we know we extract 32 character for each line.

since we dont know the attachment is in requests or in reply icmp, we split out the response get_1 and get_2.

solver :

from scapy.all import *

from binascii import *


packet_get_1 = ""

packet_get_2 = ""

scapy_cap = rdpcap('./packet.pcap')

with open('outputpcap', 'wb') as f:

	for i,packet in enumerate(scapy_cap):

		if "ICMP" in packet:

			if i%2==1:

				packet_get_2 += hexlify(packet[Raw].load[16:32]).decode()


				packet_get_1 += hexlify(packet[Raw].load[16:32]).decode()




after that we make it to binary

xxd -r -p packet1 image1

after that binwalk

binwalk -e image1 -D=".*"

we can :
Pasted image 20240228212833.png

see the flag. netcomp{sending_file_through_icmp}